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19300 Ford Road
Dearborn, MI  48128 - United States



(313) 336-6200


(313) 336-4530

Prayer Request

“Therefore confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another, so that you may be healed. The prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective.” James 5:16 (NRSV)
The custom of requesting a prayer is one of the most fulfilling requests in the Armenian Church. During the Divine Liturgy, the faithful approach the priest to receive his blessing and request that he may pray and remember the faithful in front of the Lamb of God (our Lord and savior Jesus Christ) by saying “Hishetsir yev uzmez arachi anmah Karin Asdoudso”. The priest then prays for the faithful and intercedes for them in his prayers in front of the Altar. It is also customary to ask for specific prayers, like health, success, prosperity, wisdom, and patience, but this happens through a special request to the church office or to Der Hrant directly.
If you have a special need or a specific prayer request, you can complete the form below or contact the office. This prayer can be kept confidential or Der Hrant can include the specific details in his prayers so that the faithful can also pray for you. May God accept all your prayers.

Please use the form below..
Prayer Information